A Beautiful Friendship

A Beautiful Friendship

Автор мелодии: Norah Jones, Nat King Cole
W: Stanley Styne
M: Donald Kahn
Norah Jones, Nat King Cole
Key: C

 6   6  -5*  6  6 -5*  6  5  -5    6     -6
This is the end of a beau-ti-ful friend-ship
6  -5  -4 5 -5  6   5 -5
It end-ed a mo-ment a-go
 6   6  -5*  6  6 -5*  6  5  -5    6     -6
This is the end of a beau-ti-ful friend-ship
6  -5   -4   5    -5   6   5  7
I know, for your eyes told me so

-7  7   -7  -7   6    7   7  -6    7   7*
We were al-ways like sis-ter and broth-er
7* -7  7   -7
Un-til to-night
 7   6    -5   -5  5   -5 -5*
When we looked at each oth-er
 6    6  -5*  6  6 -5*  6  -7  7   -7*    -7
That was the end of a beau-ti-ful friend-ship
-8   8   -7  -8  8   -9  -8  8
And just the be-gin-ning of love
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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